Industry: Technology

Presentation type: Investor deck

Client: Cognism

Before & after video

The challenge.

Cognism has revolutionised sales intelligence, setting a new standard for data accuracy and compliance that its competitors can’t match.

Combining the most accurate and validated data on the market with proprietary AI, Cognism helps its clients connect and build meaningful relationships with the right customers, in the most predictable, efficient, and cost-effective way.

Following years of rapid, predictable growth, Cognism was looking to expand its offering, solidify its position as European sales intelligence leader, and accelerate its growth in the US market. To do this, it needed to connect with new investors through a Series C funding presentation that accurately reflected this elevated brand.

Before and after slide.

Before After

Our process.

Step 1.

Audience first.

If Cognism was to achieve its Series C funding goals, it would need a presentation that positioned it as a dependable, but innovative, brand with unrivalled expertise and a keen focus on the future. The presentation story needed to be crafted around the selfish desires of the investors in the audience, removing all concerns around risk and giving them a glimpse at the glory to come, if they were to jump on board.

Step 2.

In-depth discovery workshop.

To uncover the right buttons to push, we had to start the presentation creation process with an in-depth Discovery workshop.

Throughout the workshop, three common themes emerged. We needed to amp up the emotion behind the wave of momentum this brand was riding, painting an exciting picture of all the big things to come. We needed to appeal to logic by heroing the unique combination of proprietary technology and accurate data that sets Cognism apart. Finally, we needed to remove all doubt and instil credibility by focusing on the risk mitigation that comes with Cognism’s 100% data compliancy.

These were the three pillars that formed the foundation of this Series C funding presentation story.

Step 3.

Visual story.

When it came to designing the visual story, we had two clear messages to get across: Cognism is both a stable, resilient, and trusted brand, but also an innovator, fuelled by technology and always looking to the future.

To represent the forward-thinking half of the equation, we added texture to the slides through wave graphics, abstract data depictions, and devices suggestive of platform dashboards.

Step 4.

Bringing in colour theory.

But we didn’t want the designs to be only future-focused, we wanted to hint at the established, dependable nature of the brand. Bringing in colour theory, we chose deep blue tones that have psychological links to confidence, reliability, and responsibility. We needed this presentation to stand out from any of Cognism’s competitors, just as the brand itself stands out, so we introduced brave, bold colours as highlights, which really sets this deck apart.

series c example slides
investor presentation delivery
investor presentation stat
Step 5.

Sleek and simple animation.

The focus of this story was on the future, so the animation had to reflect that.

We needed to keep the movement throughout sleek and simple. We didn’t want to do anything flashy, as that’s not what Cognism is about. We wanted to reflect the competent nature of the brand with animation that remains consistent, steady, and purposeful.

And always moving forward, suggestive of something even more impressive to come.

Step 6.

Outcome first approach.

Every project that comes through the studio starts with identifying the best possible outcome for the client. From there, every move we make has a keen, unwavering focus on helping the client reach that goal.

To see, in figures clear as day, how successful the team at Cognism has been in this investment round, makes us so proud to have had a part in it.

There’s no denying that there are exciting developments on the horizon for Cognism. As it continues to grow and expand in new markets, we’re looking forward to seeing just how disruptive this sales intelligence leader can be.

The result.

How can we help?

We empower brands with fast, cost-effective, results-driven presentations.